Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pspice for Digital Signal Processing

In chapter 1 we examine the sampled signal and introduce the concept of digital frequency and examineDSP signals such as the unit step and unit impulse. The hierarchicalmethod of drawing schematics is demonstrated using two types of delay unit used throughout the book. In chapter 2 we see how to express simple digital filters using difference equations (DE), and by means of the z-transform, convert the DE to a transfer function.We examine time-invariant systems for a range of filter types: low-pass, high-pass and bandpass.Lastly, we look at some musical applications forDSP such as reverberation/ echo using real-world signals imported into PSpice using the program Wav2Ascii. The zero-forcing equalizer is dealt with in a simplistic manner to show how the received signal is equalized.

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